Kantoor - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles - 7.168 €

1 391 m²


391 m² of partitioned offices for rent on the 3rd floor of a beautiful building located in the heart of the centre of Brussels, close to the central station, near the Cathedral of Saints Michel and Gudule. Just a stone's throw from the Grand Place, the building is strategically located to be close to all the facilities that occupants may need on a daily basis: restaurants, shops, etc. The environment offers an ideal setting for working in peace and quiet. A great opportunity ! Communal + regional taxes approx.: 17 €/m²/year, Charges : 25 €/m²/year, Property taxes approx.: 27 €/m²/year, (no contractual information). Do you want to receive a selection? https://www.bathim.be/en/selection Do you want to have an overview of the available offices in a street or in the vicinity https://www.bathim.be/en/search/commercial/49


Rue des Princes 8 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 5958231
Categorie Kantoor
Gemeubeld Nee
Oppervlakte 391 m²
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk


Bouwjaar 1
parking binnen Nee
parking buiten Ja

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 5


voorzieningen gehand. Nee
keuken Ja
toiletten M/V Ja
wanden Ja
keuken - type geïnstalleerd

In cijfers

aantal douchekamers 1

Administratief & Financieel

lasten (€/m²/j) - prijs/m²/j 25 €
gemeente belastingen (€/m²/j) 10 €
regionale belastingen (€/m²/j) 7 €


Type buurt stadskern
O-Peil niet gelegen in een overstromingsgevoelig gebied


elektriciteitskeuring beschikbaar ja, conform

Prijs & kosten

onroerende voorheffing - prijs/m²/j 27 €
Kantoor 1000 Bruxelles 7.168 €


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